"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein
"Mouna possesses a rare blend of creativity, hard production skills, relentless energy and attention to details that allowed her to handle successfully any project we would throw her way. As importantly, she was able to infuse this mindset around her."
"It was such a pleasure working with Mouna, both at Blizzard and at Scopely! Mouna is the warmest and most collaborative people I have worked with…. Mouna knows her craft inside and out, is a great leader, and made Flamed, Scopely In-house Creative Agency, what it is today."
"Mouna is an inspiring leader who fosters a culture of innovation and creativity, empowering teams to push boundaries.… Mouna’s strategic vision and people-first approach made a lasting impact on our team and the company.
"One of the things that stands out most about Mouna is her ability to work effectively both independently and at the head of a team. She has this incredible capacity to unite people within a team and around a project, an idea or a strategy."